Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Don't Lose the Person in "Person"alized Learning

You here the buzz a lot.  What's the next big thing in education?  According to major initiatives and funding sources, it's personalized learning, but what does that mean?

Here's what personalized learning looks like in Lindbergh.

1)  Relationships with students:  Relationships where we know our students as learners, leaders, and humans.

2)  Engaging learning:  Engaging students through authentic learning that gives them the opportunity to create and design in relationship to priority standards.

3)  Differentiated instruction:  Differentiation is personalization, providing student choice, remediation, and enrichment through individual, small group and computer-based instruction.

As personalized learning continues to be pa hrase thrown out in the educational world, it's important to note there are a multitude of definitions and implementation structures applied to it.  And, you'll hear both advocates and opponents to those various definitions.  Like most things in education, it's our task to find the balance of meeting student needs and retaining high expectations for universal learning for all students.