Thursday, November 17, 2016

Students are "Rockin'" Level 2 DOK!

DOK 2:  Students classify rocks based on their properties.
Okay, it's a cheesy pun, I know, but when you see student understanding result from thoughtful lesson planning, let's celebrate it.

DOK 2:  Students interpret an infograph to build knowledge of governmental structures.

DOK 2:  As others work independently, this student gets purposeful and needed support to further mathematical understanding, interpreting word problems to find a solution.

DOK 2:  Students construct a pictograph, merging words and images, to summarize the concepts of Daoism.
DOK 2:  Students match the equation, the chart, and the word problem to demonstrate mastery of the same concept across various mediums.  While "match" would typically be considered a DOK 1 verb, the complexity of this task moves beyond recall as multiple connections are made.

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